Monday, July 25, 2016

Leaked Email Shows DNC Official Replying “Amen” to Using Bernie’s Religion Against Him in the South

The Democratic National Convention is only a few days away. However, as Hillary prepares to accept her party’s nomination for president, all eyes are on WikiLeaks.

On Friday, WikiLeaks published 20,000 private emails from the Democratic National Committee:

One email that’s grabbing headlines all over is about her former opponent, Bernie Sanders.

In the email, the DNC’s Chief Financial Officer, Brad Marshall, proposes the idea of using Sander’s religious beliefs to hurt his image in the South:

It reads:

“It might [make] no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage.

I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

On the subject of the email, The Intercept revealed that:

The email was sent to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda and Deputy Communications Director Mark Paustenbach.

Marshall emails to say “I do not recall this. I can say it would not have been Sanders. It would probably be about a surrogate.” We have asked him who that surrogate could possibly be.]

And although Sanders is not mentioned by name, he was the only Jewish candidate from either party — an apparent weakness that Marshall believed the party could exploit in favor of Hillary Clinton.

DNC CEO Amy Dacey was also among the recipients of Marshall’s email. She replied with a just one word response: “Amen.”

To say people are upset about it, would be a serious understatement:

Even Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump weighed in:

ABC News interviewed Bernie Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver about the controversy:

He said:

“Someone does have to be held accountable. We spent 48 hours of public attention worrying about who in the [Donald] Trump campaign was going to be held responsible for the fact that some lines of Mrs. Obama’s speech were taken by Mrs. Trump.

Someone in the DNC needs to be held at least as accountable as the Trump campaign.

We have an electoral process. The DNC, by its charter, is required to be neutral among the candidates. Clearly it was not.”

Weaver added, “We had obviously pointed that out in a number of instances prior to this, and these emails just bear that out.”

The post Leaked Email Shows DNC Official Replying “Amen” to Using Bernie’s Religion Against Him in the South appeared first on Independent Journal Review.

Source: independent journal

The post Leaked Email Shows DNC Official Replying “Amen” to Using Bernie’s Religion Against Him in the South appeared first on .@tonygreene113.

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